Editorial Complaints Policy


At Any Vape, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, and integrity in our content. Our goal is to provide reliable, insightful, and helpful information about CBD products and vaping. We value the trust of our readers and strive to address any concerns promptly and effectively. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the procedure for addressing complaints regarding our editorial content.


This policy applies to all editorial content published on Any Vape’s official website (anyvape.co.uk), including articles, reviews, blog posts, and other written materials. It does not cover advertising content, user-generated comments, or external content linked from our site.

How to Make a Complaint

If you believe that an article or any other editorial content on our website is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of our editorial standards, you can submit a complaint by following these steps:

Contact Information

Send an email to our editorial team at [email protected] with the subject line “Editorial Complaint”.

Detailed Description

Provide a detailed description of your complaint, including:

The title and URL of the article in question.

The specific content you believe is problematic.

An explanation of why you believe the content is inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate.

Any supporting evidence or sources that may help us assess your complaint.

Complaint Handling Process


We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two business days.

Initial Assessment

Our editorial team will review your complaint and assess the content in question. This process typically takes up to five business days.


If the initial assessment determines that further investigation is warranted, we will conduct a thorough review, which may include consulting with relevant experts or sources. This stage may take up to ten business days.


We will inform you of the outcome of our investigation. If we find that an error or issue exists, we will take appropriate corrective action, which may include:

Correcting factual inaccuracies.

Adding clarifications or updates to the content.

Removing the problematic content.

Publishing an apology or retraction if necessary.

Appeal Process

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may request a further review by our senior editorial team. To do this, reply to our initial response indicating your reasons for dissatisfaction. Our senior editorial team will review your appeal and respond within ten business days.

Contact Information

For any queries or further information regarding our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]